RCI member, Andy Silveira, published his paper in the Journal of Autoethnography. Here are excerpts...
'Why is it, I often asked Ancy, that the Catholic Church bequeaths guilt more than love?'
In his new paper, Andy describes his life raised as a Christian, and how many of the Christian teachings conflicted with his reality as a gay man. As he learns to live his reality and discovers the injustice caused by doctrines that have caused more harm than good.
This paper is written in solidarity with all those who identify themselves as queer, for those afraid to live their reality. However, this paper is also written for the Priests and Religious so they may have a glimpse into the life of a regular, queer man, that they may open their eyes and see that we are more alike than different.

Unconditional, visible inclusion of our LGBTQ+ Catholic faithful in the Catholic Church

i. To be an inclusive pastoral support group for LGBTQ+ Catholics, families and friends.
ii. To work with other LGBTQ+ faith groups, allies and stake holders who share our vision statement.
iii. To dialogue with, inform, and educate the Church hierarchy on the lived experiences of the LGBTQ+ faithful.

1. To create dialogue and awareness about the needs of LGBTQ+ Catholics with Church hierarchy.
2. To grow in number and reach out by having regional Rainbow Catholic groups in India.
3. Publish articles and documents that promote justice and inclusion for LGBTQ+ Catholics through Catholic media outlets as well as our own social media platforms.
4. Promote inclusive-theology by challenging erroneous theologies. Focus on Love and Compassion for all of God’s children.
5. Create forums for LGBTQ+ Catholics voices to be heard.
6. Form alliances with other LGBTQ+ Catholics, and other LGBTQ+ faith groups.
7. Work with families and friends of LGBTQ+ Catholics.
8. Work with gay-friendly priests and religious.
What We Do

Our meetings are a secure, safe space for diverse ideas and open sharing.
Working with like-minded groups across India and supporting each others' struggles.

Participating in movements for individual rights and freedoms as Christians and as citizens of India
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